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Defeating Test Anxiety

Defeating Test Anxiety

Don’t Panic! It’s that time of year again. Students are taking state tests, the ACT, and SAT. Tutors, teachers, and parents have worked hard to help prepare students. Students have studied for endless hours trying to do their best to comprehend and remember all they have to for their exams. Sometimes no matter how hard […]

Defer Bright Futures Scholarship Award

Students that are awarded the Bright Futures Scholarship are allowed to use the award up to 2 years after graduation. There are several reasons a student may not use it immediately following graduation: goes to school out of state and then returns to Florida to complete their remaining college courses, goes into the military and […]

College 101 Webinar for High School Students

Get insight on the admissions process, find out how to earn college credit while you’re still in high school, and learn what resources are available to help you succeed in college.  This session will cover all the steps you need to take during your senior year in high school to get into and pay for […]

2017 Summer Opportunities for Teens

2017 Summer Opportunities for Teens

Start thinking about your summer plans now. Various places in Jacksonville and surrounding areas are taking applications and they usually have to be submitted soon. There are lots of opportunities out there for teens to gain valuable experiences depending on their interests. If you don’t see something that interests you but know of an organization […]