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San Jose Preparatory High School and San Jose Academy

  1. Home
  2. » San Jose Preparatory High School and San Jose Academy
4072 Sunbeam Road, Jacksonville, Florida, USA 32257

San Jose Academy and High School provides a unique environment, which emphasizes high academic achievement using state of the art technology and innovative but proven educational methods. We prepare students to successfully compete in an increasingly competitive post-secondary environment and the global job market. In addition, our school offers a personal, safe and caring environment where we strive to meet our students' needs as individual learners.

In all classes, teachers implement an instructional framework which provides students with opportunities to learn in small groups with the teacher, collaborate with peers, and work independently.

San Jose Preparatory is Your Best Option. We are proud to offer:

  • A small school environment
  • Technology incorporated in every classroom and subject area
  • Self-directed and Project-Based Curriculum
  • Internships with Top Local Businesses
  • The opportunity to earn College Credit while in high school: Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment
  • Numerous clubs and enrichment activities including Quiz Bowl, Robotics, Ultimate Frisbee, and Drama
Contact Information
Phone: 904-425-1725

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