Weekend Overview July 21st – 23rd
Friday, July 21st, 2017 BEACON COLLEGE SUMMER FOR SUCCESS July 9 – July 28 105 East Main Street, Leesburg, FL 34748 United States Beacon College offers a three-week summer educational experience for students entering their senior year of high school. The program is designed to teach the participants useful learning strategies that can be used during their senior year in high […]
- Melanie Black
- 1085
Easy Meals Your Teen Can Make
Are you hungry but don’t feel like cooking? Let your teen do it! It will teach them responsibility, organization, give them a sense of accomplishment, and even give them a confidence boost. Chances are your family is super busy and when teens have jobs around the house it benefits everyone in the home. The first […]
- Melanie Black
- 2044
July is Parks and Rec Month
Photo courtesy of: http://www.nrpa.org/july/ Get Your Play On at one of the MANY facilities and parks offered throughout the Northeast Florida region. Did you know that: Children today experience record levels of obesity and preventable diseases like hypertension and Type II Diabetes, caused in part by a decrease in physical activity and increase in processed food […]
- Serena Ostrowsky
- 1744
Weekend Overview July 14-16
Friday, July 14th, 2017 BEACON COLLEGE SUMMER FOR SUCCESS ONGOING: July 9 – July 28 105 East Main Street, Leesburg, FL 34748 United States Beacon College offers a three-week summer educational experience for students entering their senior year of high school. The program is designed to teach the participants useful learning strategies that can be used during their senior year in […]
- Melanie Black
- 1385
Do More than Visit Colleges
Make an impression. Ask questions, meet someone in the department you’re seeking to major in, get emails and phone numbers so you can keep in contact with them, and make an impression. Leave there confident that you are forging connections. Keep up a dialogue throughout your application process but DON’T be a pest. If […]
Helping Teens with their Social and Emotional Health
I’m a mom to two teenage girls. When I tell people this, some laugh knowingly, and most offer pity. It’s an interesting twist in my life; I’ve been teaching adolescents since 2007 and have helped hundreds of parents get their teens to do homework, improve their reading and study skills and more. I now work […]
- Melanie Black
- 1242
When Your Teen is Bored This Summer
I’m bored. There’s nothing to do. Sound familiar? Teens are used to a fast paced lifestyle during the school year. When summer break comes they are ready for a much needed break. It is a drastic change and when a teen goes from a go, go, go lifestyle to nothing it’s ok for a couple […]
- Melanie Black
- 1950
6 Tips for Writing the College Essay
If you’re entering your senior year summer time is an opportune time to tackle the essay for your college applications. However, many can get stuck and forever stare at a blank page. The prompt can help, but if your essay is profound to the point of acceptance and consideration for scholarship then the prompt won’t […]
- Serena Ostrowsky
- 1477