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Parents, Do You Check Your Teen’s Grades Online?

Parents, Do You Check Your Teen’s Grades Online?

Photo credit: https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8157/7301110362_907e681d49.jpg

Isn’t technology great? You can check your kid’s grades whenever you want to know how they are doing in school. This can be good and bad though. I know parents who check their student’s grades online every week, every day, or sometimes multiple times a day. This causes the parent and the teen undue stress, creates misunderstandings, and strains the relationship.

There are other factors involved in the online grading system that don’t make it worth your while to check it every day or every other day. These “other” factors that you can’t see or understand without talking to a teacher or your teen will just leave you a nervous wreck. You’re left sitting alone staring at a computer screen going crazy wondering “Why does he have a zero for that assignment? I saw him working on it.” Later, when you try to talk to your child you both end up arguing because of all the confusion and lack of understanding those “other factors.” I understand it is only natural to want to know how your student is doing. You love them and want them to succeed.

Here’s the thing though. Most teachers do not update their grades every day. Some  may do it once a week or once every other week. It’s not because they don’t care. It’s because they have a lot going on. There are also instances where students may turn in work late and teachers have not had a chance to grade it yet. Also, when you’re looking at the list of assignments in the grade portal pay attention to the assigned date vs. the due date.

Teamwork! Here is your challenge for the next three weeks.

You have two choices.

  1. Check grades together with your teen. Set up a time once a week. If you are both left with questions then, create an email together to send to the teacher.
  2. Don’t check grades at all. That’s right. Not at all!