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6 Tips For 9th Graders Preparing for College

6 Tips For 9th Graders Preparing for College

Photo courtesy of: https://penncanvas.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/best-practices-using-discussions-for-sharing-among-students/ Did you know that 9th graders can begin putting their college portfolio together this year? The Coalition for College Access, Affordability and Success uses a platform called “The Locker” which allows students to begin building their college portfolio/resume. Students can begin as early as 9th grade and periodically add to the Locker […]

Jacksonville Family Reflects on the Teenage Years

Jacksonville Family Reflects on the Teenage Years

The teenage years are challenging for both parents and teens. The physical, emotional, and intellectual growth can cause everyone stress and anxiety. This Jacksonville family discusses growing up in Jacksonville, their experience with the teen years, and offers some advice to other parents and teenagers for surviving the teenage years. Parents: Jeremy & Tammy Toton What high […]

ACT and SAT 2017-18 Test Dates and 2 Recommendations

ACT and SAT 2017-18 Test Dates and 2 Recommendations

photo courtesy of: http://www.faa.org/academics/testing.cfm This year the ACT and SAT finally recognized that students would like to test over the summer…which makes sense since they won’t be encumbered with all that takes place during the school year. One is offered in June and the other in July. Click here to get the calendar of test dates […]

6 Tips for Writing the College Essay

6 Tips for Writing the College Essay

If you’re entering your senior year summer time is an opportune time to tackle the essay for your college applications. However, many can get stuck and forever stare at a blank page. The prompt can help, but if your essay is profound to the point of acceptance and consideration for scholarship then the prompt won’t […]

3 Websites that Streamline Applying to College

3 Websites that Streamline Applying to College

If your college list consists of 5 or more colleges then filling out college applications can seem daunting and tedious. However, there are several different websites that streamline the process where you fill out only one application and use that same application to apply to several different colleges. The applications are quite extensive but once […]