Weekend Overview October 13-15
Friday October 13th, 2017 THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHASE – VIRTUAL RACE October 1 – October 31 We love Autumn and Halloween!!! And to celebrate the amazing month of October, we are hosting The Great Pumpkin Chase 5K & 10K! October is also Domestic Violence Awareness month. We will also be donating at least 15% of each registration to the National Network to […]
- Melanie Black
- 5769
Parents and Teens, Can You Conquer This Distraction?
“He’s constantly looking at that phone!” As an Academic Coach I hear about and see all too often the effects that cell phones have on families with teens. While in sessions with students I see the notifications come through on their smart phones and computers. Their eyes wonder and then come back. They have to re-focus […]
- Melanie Black
- 5523
Talking to Your Teen About College and Careers
Sometimes parents get the big eye roll when they try to discuss college and careers with their teenagers. Teens get college and career advice all the time. Everyone has an opinion about their aspirations, interests, etc. So how can you have a powerful discussion with your teen about college and careers? “You should be a […]
- Melanie Black
- 7373
Weekend Overview October 6-8
Friday, October 6th, 2017 THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHASE – VIRTUAL RACE October 1 – October 31 We love Autumn and Halloween!!! And to celebrate the amazing month of October, we are hosting The Great Pumpkin Chase 5K & 10K! October is also Domestic Violence Awareness month. We will also be donating at least 15% of each registration to the National Network to […]
- Melanie Black
- 5564
College Week in Jacksonville
Jacksonville Goes to College Week is organized by Duval Schools and the City of Jacksonville. Click HERE to check out the calendar of events for the week of October 9-14. This week has been designed to engage families, communities, school staff, and students in activities that promote college and career access and success. Mark your calendars! […]
- Melanie Black
- 7275
How to Talk to Your Teen About the Vegas Mass Shooting
Listening, watching, and reading the news this week about the Vegas mass shooting is heart wrenching. I am hearing people express fear to go out to public events here in Jacksonville. I hear parents say ‘nowhere seems safe these days.’ They are scared and rightfully so. No one deserves to live in fear though. Teens may […]
- Melanie Black
- 6160
Weekend Overview September 29 – October 1
Friday, September 29th, 2017 JACKSONVILLE HOME + PATIO SHOW September 28 @ 11:00 am – October 1 @ 6:00 pm 1000 Water Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204 United States Discover the latest in home decor, design, landscaping, and more at the Jacksonville Home + Patio Show, September 28 – October 1, at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. DETAILS OKTOBERFEST JACKSONVILLE 2017 September […]
- Melanie Black
- 5146
2017 Halloween Themed Races and Fun Runs in Jacksonville
It’s finally beginning to cool off on the First Coast and that means it is perfect weather for running. Luckily, we live in an area where running is popular and there is no shortage of events to choose from. Get your costume ready! This October there are heaps of fun running events in the Jacksonville […]
- Melanie Black
- 5688