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UNF Summer Computing Camps

UNF Summer Computing Camps

The UNF School of Computing is pleased to offer the following Camp programs in summer 2017.   Middle School Camps June 12 – June 16 Big Data (click for details) (Click here to register) June 19 – June 23 Java & Minecraft (click for details) (Click here to register) June 26 – June 30 Cybersecurity […]

Parents, Do You Check Your Teen’s Grades Online?

Parents, Do You Check Your Teen’s Grades Online?

Isn’t technology great? You can check your kid’s grades whenever you want to know how they are doing in school. This can be good and bad though. I know parents who check their student’s grades online every week, every day, or sometimes multiple times a day. This causes the parent and the teen undue stress, […]

Beacon College Summer Program

Beacon College Summer Program

Summer For Success Beacon College offers a three-week summer educational experience for students entering their senior year of high school. The program is designed to teach the participants useful learning strategies that can be used during their senior year in high school and help them overcome the fear of going to college. Dates: July 9 – […]

$1000 Scholarship, Due August 1st

Stock Market Basics is offering their annual $1000 scholarship to new and returning college students. Submissions will be accepted starting in January of each year with a winner selected by September. How to Apply for the Stock Market Basics Scholarship Applicants must submit a 500+ word essay about one of the following topics: what you […]

Autism Awareness – Nutrition Tips

Autism Awareness – Nutrition Tips

April is National Autism Awareness Month. There are great amounts of information on the health care front about nutrition for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. ASD can be challenging on many levels, and healthy eating is no exception. Caring for a child that has a disability places even more emphasis on the importance of nutrition. […]

Defeating Test Anxiety

Defeating Test Anxiety

Don’t Panic! It’s that time of year again. Students are taking state tests, the ACT, and SAT. Tutors, teachers, and parents have worked hard to help prepare students. Students have studied for endless hours trying to do their best to comprehend and remember all they have to for their exams. Sometimes no matter how hard […]

Defer Bright Futures Scholarship Award

Students that are awarded the Bright Futures Scholarship are allowed to use the award up to 2 years after graduation. There are several reasons a student may not use it immediately following graduation: goes to school out of state and then returns to Florida to complete their remaining college courses, goes into the military and […]