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Message to My Younger Self from a Local Dad

by: Steffen Strayer Were I to tell my past self anything, it would likely be to not blame myself for things over which I have no control and not make it about me. When my daughter was first thought to have Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, she was in the second grade. Her grades were good, but […]

Have You Seen The Show 13 Reasons Why?

Have You Seen The Show 13 Reasons Why?

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. 17 million children in our country have a mental health disorder. Wow! According to Dr. Koplewicz, President of the Child Mind Institute, seventy five percent of all psychiatric illness occurs before the age of twenty five. Fifty percent occurs before the age of fourteen! This is why it is […]

To My Younger Self

I would tell my younger self that things will work out well.  Balance and moderation can be like acronyms with each letter representing a message. B-Be loving to those you love and pleasant to others A-Adapt to situations. Recognize what you can control L-Learn every day. Don’t procrastinate learning A-Action is your friend.  The biggest […]

Habitat for Humanity’s Woman’s Build

Habitat for Humanity’s Woman’s Build

The week leading up to Mother’s Day Habitat for Humanity reinforces that women make a difference, even in the area of construction! Lowe’s partners with Habitat by donating $2 million dollars, providing volunteer groups, and offering various clinics for those that would like training before the builds. I’ve had the pleasure of participating in a […]

ID Tech Summer Camp @UNF- Almost Sold OUT!!

ID Tech Summer Camp @UNF- Almost Sold OUT!!

Technology is the wave of the future and ID Tech camps have the latest and greatest available for 6-17 year olds. Some courses offered cybersecurity, various levels of coding, game design and much more! Check out their website for specific courses at various locations. UNF is about sold out for most of their course offerings. […]